Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions
General information
Knardrupvej 43
3660 Stenløse
CVR nr.: 31880173
Email: kd.nnavk @ofni
Telefon: +45 28182261
All prices are listet in Danish kroner and include taxes. Shipping costs are added later. Shipping in Denmark is free with purchases of DKK 500 or more.
Shipping outside Denmark: Please send us an email, we will calculate shipping costs for you before you buy.
We reserve the right to make changes to our policies.
We deliver to the nearest outlet for either GLS or PostNord.
In so far as possible the products will be shipped no later than three days after the order is placed. In the case of backorder, we will contact the customer.
KVANN KOMPAGNIET accept the following forms of payment: Dankort, Visa and Mastercard.
Payment will be withdrawn from you account when the product has been shipped. We are not liable for sold out or discontinued products. We endeavour to make sure that the information on this website is up to date and accurate at all times, but we do not guarantee that all material is accurate and/or up to date.
The customer has the right to make complaints about damages and visible deficiencies for up to 2 years. The complaint must be made within 8 days of delivery and the product returned within 2 weeks of delivery date.
If any problems occur, please contact us at kd.nnavk @ofni.
Returns and cancellations
Cancelling and returning of products will only take place after written agreement. Returned products will usually only be refunded by 75% of the invoice price. Any products must be returned to us in good condition and in the original packaging. Credit notes are accepted as vouchers. Custom orders cannot be returned.
Right of cancellation
Foodstuff comes with no right of cancellation. With other products there is a 2 week right of cancellation from the day you recieve your order.
Kvann Kompagniet do not pay shipping costs in the case of cancellation.
You must notify us of cancellation no later than 2 weeks after placing your order, and return the shipment no later than 2 weeks after cancelling.
Notification by mail to kd.nnavk @ofni. Please make clear that you wish to use your right of cancellation and include your banking information – registration number and account number – so that the agreed upon amount may be transfered.
In the case of returns or cancellation, send the products to:
Knardrupvej 43
3660 Stenløse
If you are dissatisfied with any of our products, we’d be happy to help solve the problem. Please contact us at kd.nnavk @ofni.
Complaints may otherwise be registered with Center for Klageløsning, Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg.
You can do this via Nævnenes Hus’ klageportal: https://kpo.naevneneshus.dk/Public/Home/ChooseLoginProvider?returnUrl=https://kpo.naevneneshus.dk/External
Especially consumers living in another EU country might wish to register their complaint with the European Commision’s online complaint portal using this link: http://ec.europa.eu/odr.
In case of complaint, specify our email address kd.nnavk @ofni.